Call Us Today! 208-733-474
Wood River Area: 208-726-5145
Call or Text Us Today! 208-733-4744
Wood River Area: 208-726-5145
A Very Small Water System is an EPA classification for a water system that serves several people. (Specifically, a VSWS is a type of public water system.) There are several certifications required to install, operate, and maintain a VSWS, and Walkers has them all. Typically, a VSWS services between 25 and 500 people.
We can design, drill, and install a municipal well and water system for subdivisions of 25-500 people. Or, we can offer our experience and expertise to your engineering firm to optimize your design. Put our experience to work in reducing inefficiencies and catching design conflicts before the system is installed.
As a VSWS operator, we conduct all monthly water samples (required by the Department of Environmental Quality), as well as checking the system for problems, maintaining disinfectant systems (like chlorine pumps), and other required duties. This helps us keep on top of issues, and fix problems while they’re small. Also – the Idaho DEQ has begun increasing the amount of reporting and documentation for Public Water Systems. We’ve got a great track record of ensuring safe water for our clients, as well as keeping your PWS in compliance with DEQ and other regulations.
If something goes wrong with your VSWS, or if a contaminant is detected, Walker Water Systems is fully equipped to retest, repair, or install any equipment needed to correct the situation. For instance, if a water sample comes back positive for nitrates (indicating a possible surface contaminant), we follow a strict program of retesting to assess the nature of the contamination. Then, if more samples don’t clear up, we can work with the Homeowners’ Association to solve the problem through chlorination, UV disinfection, or other means.
Using Walker Water Systems as your VSWS Maintainer means that you’ll get access to top-quality installation and repair service, and 7-day availability in case of an emergency.
Phone: 208-733-4744 | Wood River Area: 208-726-5145
Address: 2414 Addison Avenue E Twin Falls, ID 83301
Business Hours
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.